Strategic communications, project management & product definition.


Translating complex Information



The healthcare sector is a vast, complex, and divisive industry. I am a supporter of patient-centric thinking, considerate businesses, and innovative research.

I have worked on charitable causes led by big pharma; academic symposia to bring together ideas from disparate disciplines; developed print and online materials for numerous clinical trials; worked on patient-friendly digital products; and, spent years thinking deeply about the patient experience of rare and unusual conditions.

I understand accurate referencing, complex review cycles, culturally diverse needs and the dichotomy between results-driven information for regulators and compassionate messaging for patients and loved ones.

Health is deeply personal for me - I might tell you about it if we get to know each other better…



I spent five years working in the environmental sector, focused on a subset of the circular economy: the bioeconomy. Simply put in the words of my client it’s all about “growing stuff to make stuff”.

We focused on helping businesses of every size to embrace technologies (new and old) to make their businesses more sustainable, and turn wastes into treasures. This involved telling complex research stories to lay audiences in exciting and accurate ways.

Since working in this sector, I firmly believe that combining modern science and traditional wisdom will lead us to an exciting and sustainable future. It also set about changes in my personal life: notably trying to consume consciously and minimise waste.